captivated for God's glory.

compelled for his name.

our vision

Our vision is about God. The heart of the Christian faith is the living God. We are captivated by all that He is and all that He has done. Therefore He is all we are and all that we do.

captivated by God’s glory.

We believe the most precious things in life take hold of our hearts. This is why to know God is more than mere comprehension; rather it is to be captivated by who He is and all that He has done. This is shown to us most gloriously in the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.

compelled for his name.

We believe the most important things in life demand our wholehearted commitment. Fundamental to the Christian faith is the call to turn back to God and live a life of truth and love. God’s goodness motivates us to do good to our neighbours near and far, all in the name of Jesus Christ.

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Matthew 13:44   

our values

Our values are about Christ’s gospel purposes. Our vision for seeing captivated and compelled disciples of Jesus flows into our 5 values; magnification, mission, maturity, ministry and membership. We think our 5 values are a good summary of how the Bible shapes every Christian. We want Captivate to be a disciple making, word driven, and prayerful church as we champion these values.


We want to make disciples by being on mission to see the city of Ryde saved. 


We want to make disciples by maturing in all of life through gospel transformation.


We want to make disciples by empowering a new generation for gospel ministry.


We want to make disciples by connecting every member in committed loving community.


We want to make disciples by gathering to magnify God wholeheartedly in our whole lives.

our beliefs

Being a part of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, we subscribe to The Westminster Confession of Faith (written in 1647) as a summary of the really important truths of the bible and the gospel. You can find a copy of that here